Is it really Fall already? Whew!

It seems the older we get, the faster time moves. The crop bed is winding down. Over the next month, we’ll be digging sweet potatoes, harvesting the last of the tomatoes, peppers and Asian green beans, enjoying some fall plantings of fresh spinach, Swiss chard and garden peas, and planting onions (red, yellow and white) for harvesting next spring.
In November, we’ll put the majority of the crop bed to rest for the winter, enjoying the canned fruits of this summer’s later, and working on various farm craft and other projects we save for the winter. Some of the plans for those projects will be shared here in the “Lady’s Farm Journal” section of our site. We thought it might be entertaining for some of you who are interested in what it takes to convert a really big yard into a productive mini-farm, small orchard and apiary (the most recent additions to our project list).
And for the rest of you wondering whether we’ve just simply lost our minds? Probably! But we’re not too worried about it. From our view, we’re just working backward through our traditions – growing a (really large) victory garden, working our urban “homestead”, and learning to live off what the land provides.