Goin’ to the Fair …

It’s Tennessee Valley Fair time in East Tennessee, and our 4-H-er, Aidan, has done pretty well. We decided to share some of the fun with you in this new photo gallery. Is there a fair coming up in your area? Take some time to go and show your appreciation for your local future farmers in 4H and FFA. They work hard and deserve your pat on their back!
These pictures were taken at the “Down on the Farm Day” event on Tuesday, September 11, where hundreds of school kids got to learn about farming, pet animals ranging from chickens and rabbits to cattle, horses and sheep, and learn about entomology and crops. Included are pictures of Aidan’s prize winners in the exhibition hall as well as Knox County 4H prize winning poultry and then just some interesting critters being exhibited by others. We hope you enjoy! By the way, we probably should have titled this one, “Agate and Mr. Cuddles Go to the Fair.” We took our 7-month old rooster who was a hit and Aidan’s new rabbit (who didn’t enjoy all the attention quite as much) along with four hens.
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