A Time to Grieve …

Let’s see what you’ve won America…..
- Muslims in America have no idea what the future holds for them.
- Women will lose their right to privacy and access to healthcare.
- Gay couples don’t know if their marriages will be valid or if they haven’t yet taken their vows if they’ll be honored.
- Our black brothers and sisters will be stopped and frisked under the false pretenses of “law and order”
- Hispanic immigrants won’t know if their family will stay intact.
- Our stock market has lost 5% and trading has been halted, economists fear over $1 trillion dollars has evaporated from our economy already.
- NATO doesn’t know what they should expect from our country and its commitment to securing Eastern Europe.
- Over 20 million Americans will lose their health insurance.
- The Middle East becomes even more volatile.
- American factory workers will lose jobs because of a trade and economic plan destined to fail.
- Thousands and thousands of students will continue to accumulate massive student debt.
- Russia has no one to check their ambitions.
- Mexico’s economy may be on the brink of implosion.
- The world may see a recession/depression that makes 2008 look “okay” per at least one leading economist.
- Our planet may move towards destruction exponentially, with our coastal cities on a fast track towards going poof.
- We are no longer the trusted leader of the free world, a position we have held for over two centuries.
America is in distress.
Note: This was borrowed from a friend’s post on Facebook on Wednesday, November 9, 2016, and credit needs to go to “Iva” (where my friend got it). I wish I’d written it. I certainly find it to be a factual and nearly complete list of what I believe we are about to face.
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